Activated alumina (fixed substrate)

  • Physical state: Granular solid
  • Product color: white or milky

The main ingredient for the production of activated alumina is aluminum hydroxide . This material has many holes, the surface of each gram of which has been calculated up to 200 square meters. Activated alumina is prepared from aluminum oxide ( Al2O3 ), which has a very large surface area in relation to the volume due to the finger holes and tunnel-like holes inside it. In the industry, this product is used as a desiccant or moisture absorber .

This product is produced and supplied in different sizes, the most common of which is 3-5 mm, which is used for substrates with atmospheric pressure or normal air flow. And due to its high absorption power, in addition to humidity, it also has the ability to remove toxic gases.

Gamma Industrial Group is the first producer of this product with European equipment and formulation in the region and offers a world-class product in our beloved country. Also, by importing Asian and European products of this product, it has completed its product portfolio for its customers so that they have the right to choose and compare products.


Some of the applications of granular activated alumina and the advantages of our products are as follows:

  • Kitchen equipment industries (activated alumina capable of absorbing high humidity and absorbing oil and dust from the air of units such as restaurants and kitchens)
  • Air purification industries (activated alumina with the ability to absorb high humidity and organic substances and smoke in the air of closed environments and ….)
  • Food and transportation industries (activated alumina with high absorption of packing moisture)
  • Pharmaceutical industries (active alumina with the ability to absorb moisture in home or hospital test packs)
  • And……


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